Sunday, 18 November 2012

First trial - OSAKA Chiffon Cake

Bought the Osaka Chiffon cake ingredients a week ago.. but still yet have chance to bake, due to new oven is yet deliver to me. Wait, wait, wait .. finally my oven has arrived. Then, wait for the cabinet, only I am ready to bake with my new oven! Huray ~~

What to bake for 1st use with the new oven? OK, let's try OSAKA chiffon cake .. during baking, my little was having her nap .. so, I baked alone! Wow, this type of OSAKA cake needs lots of egg yolk & egg white! About 17 pcs eggs I used, bcoz the small size of egg yolk. After a messy preparation and baking, finally, my cake is ready! 

My girl was abt to wake up too after the cake has done! She wanna be the 1st to try my homemade Osaka Cake! hehe.. see her respond, not bad lo~haha!! 

Somehow, the cake shrunk after took out from the oven! Friend commented that perhaps air flowing in when I fold the egg white into egg yolk batter. Gotta try another round, so that able to bake chiffon cake successfully! 

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