Friday, 14 December 2012

Egg Tart for Gymboree Xmas Party

The little gonna attending Xmas Party @ Gymboree tomorrow at 5pm. Initially I just want to let her have fun and enjoy the Xmas celebration. Suddenly Gymboree trainer called and requesting each mum to bring 1 type of food for ant 25 kids. I do suggest cookies, but another mummy alr commit to bring cookies. Thus, they ask if I am OK to bring tarts. Erm.. sure, shd be no problem, I can homemade egg tarts. But I have more than a yr nvr bake egg tarts, that was 2011 Aug & Oct. Gotta check back my last tried recipe, got it .. thus, I started to bake at 8.30pm. Oh oh .. 1st tray is ready .. total of 17 pcs only! Not enough leh .. i need at least 25 pcs! 

So, gotta continue for another round. The I make, the more I practice, and found is easier to monitor the way & method to press the pastry into the mold, and this round, I've made 20pcs! Done at 11.30pm, super late! 

Looks nice from outer part, how about inner part? haha.. not bad! Who will be my tester of my egg tart, of course if my super hubby! 

He ate 2 pcs, and commented:"not bad"

With a GOOD looking egg tarts, for sure I need a "proper" tart packaging. Thus, I've found egg tart packaging, this is just nice and suit to pack 1 pc of egg tarts. Since this is for Xmas, I stick with a Xmas & New Year sticker on top of egg tart packaging! How, does it loo nice? hehe.. i really like this! 

Not only me, myself feel great & happy after baking, my girl also likes it so much. When I was there snap my egg tarts, she brought her "tiger" and asked for camera again. Showing different posture, 爱美咯。。。 

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