Friday, 21 December 2012

Xmas Party @ Vital Years Selayang Utama

Her teacher told me, there will be Xmas celebration for all kids with exchange gift activities on Friday, 21st Dec 2012. Thus, I suggest to her teacher that I will prepare kids homemade cookies as X'mas gift pack, and they agreed. Thus, I started to plan, what kind of cookies that suit to all kids from 2 years old. 

On Tuesday (18th Dec), I started to bake for my little's of her X'mas Party @ Vital Years Selayang Utama. What is the first cookies ? Of course something related to Xmas, is GingerbreadWow, a big box of gingendread.  There are total 36pcs of Gingerbread Men & 45pcs of Ginger Xmas Tree. How is the deco, does it look nice? Cute? Pretty? Hehe... I am satisfied with my job! 

Spending about 2 hours to decorate all the gingerbread.. erm, not bad! Hubby was there also to help! See, my ready gingerbread!  

Chocolate Chips Cookies - my 2nd selction. With combination of white & dark chocolate chips, I've made for about 150pcs. Who is my helper to stick the chocolate chips on top of the cookies, my little princess. She had fun & enjoyed sticking the chips on. 

Almond butter cookies also one of the cookies I've made. Unfortunately, I forgot to take photo of the ready cookies. Forth, I plan for egg tart, However, I was extremely tired after baking continually 3 days. Thus, I switched egg tart to blueberries muffin which is easier and faster.  Total @ 45 pcs blueberries muffin.  

Wow, a 3 days tiring baking period has over. But it is not the time for me to rest, have to pack individually for 26 children and 5 teachers. Every pack included 1 muffin, 2 gingerbread, 4 pcs almond butter cookies and follow by 4 pcs chocolate chips cookies.  

Ops, I have not enough packaging bag, thus gotta mix 2 types packaging. Dadadada .... around 3am, I've done all packaging, it looks great. Hope children like it.. 

Christmas Party, sure there is gift exchange activities, teachers request ready gift to be given a week earlier, this is the Xmas gift I've prepare on behalf my little princess. 

Wow, this is the Santa's gift corner. Lots of gift is ready, everyone feels so excited of those attractive present. Guess, which is mine? The red packaging just right in front of Snow man. 
Oh.. who is this little boy? He approached me direct when I wanna take photo for my princess, haha.. her little boy friend? 

Merry Christmas to all lovely children & teachers, hope they enjoy their party specially organized by teachers. Cheers.. 

Friday, 14 December 2012

Egg Tart for Gymboree Xmas Party

The little gonna attending Xmas Party @ Gymboree tomorrow at 5pm. Initially I just want to let her have fun and enjoy the Xmas celebration. Suddenly Gymboree trainer called and requesting each mum to bring 1 type of food for ant 25 kids. I do suggest cookies, but another mummy alr commit to bring cookies. Thus, they ask if I am OK to bring tarts. Erm.. sure, shd be no problem, I can homemade egg tarts. But I have more than a yr nvr bake egg tarts, that was 2011 Aug & Oct. Gotta check back my last tried recipe, got it .. thus, I started to bake at 8.30pm. Oh oh .. 1st tray is ready .. total of 17 pcs only! Not enough leh .. i need at least 25 pcs! 

So, gotta continue for another round. The I make, the more I practice, and found is easier to monitor the way & method to press the pastry into the mold, and this round, I've made 20pcs! Done at 11.30pm, super late! 

Looks nice from outer part, how about inner part? haha.. not bad! Who will be my tester of my egg tart, of course if my super hubby! 

He ate 2 pcs, and commented:"not bad"

With a GOOD looking egg tarts, for sure I need a "proper" tart packaging. Thus, I've found egg tart packaging, this is just nice and suit to pack 1 pc of egg tarts. Since this is for Xmas, I stick with a Xmas & New Year sticker on top of egg tart packaging! How, does it loo nice? hehe.. i really like this! 

Not only me, myself feel great & happy after baking, my girl also likes it so much. When I was there snap my egg tarts, she brought her "tiger" and asked for camera again. Showing different posture, 爱美咯。。。